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5 Tips for your pre-relocation visit to Guernsey

So, you’re planning to move to Guernsey? You may have been offered a job, spent a holiday on the island and loved it or perhaps decided that your family needs a more outdoorsy lifestyle.

Whatever the reason, visiting as a tourist and living in a new place is very different, so before you fully commit to a move, we always recommend a few trips to the island with the right mindset for island life. You should take this time to become familiar with your future home, get a sense of the community, and get a realistic understanding of what life in Guernsey will be like.   

1. Visit estate agents or, even better, pre-arrange property viewings

Relocating to Guernsey is very straightforward, thanks in part to Guernsey’s two-tier property market. Homes are registered as being either on the Open Market or the Local Market.

Local Market homes are reserved for those who are locally born or hold an Employment Permit, but it is the Open Market which is the key to residency for most new arrivals.

For those looking at the Open Market, this means that considering the property is often the first step, so it may be sensible to connect with Estate Agents to understand the cost and availability of the property. Visiting an estate agent while on island means you get to know the people you're working with, and they will better understand your property requirements.

If you have time, arranging a few property viewings can also be a good use of your time while on the island. This means you can assess a property’s condition first-hand, understand the layout, and get a feel for the area/parish in person to make an informed choice about the area of the island that you like the most.

2. If you have children, visit schools

For any parent considering a relocation, one of the most important factors will be ensuring that their potential new home is also right for their children—that they will be happy in their new environment and settle in easily.

The island has an excellent educational offering, with private and public schooling available. Guernsey follows the same curriculum as the UK, so children can quickly find their feet in their new school.

If you are considering one of the three private schools on the island, you can arrange school visits to make a decision on which school is best suited for your children. Locate Guernsey can put you in touch with any schools to arrange this.

Further information about Guernsey's education system can be found here:


3. Drive around the island – get lost, learn about unique road markings and speed limits

There are plenty of ways to get around in Guernsey. Whether you prefer to travel by car, bus, taxi, cycle, or even walk, it won't take long to get used to navigating the island.

Exploring as much as you can during a visit will allow you to feel more at home, make sure island life is right for you and decide which part of the island you like most, which will significantly help when it comes to choosing a new home.  

If you plan on driving once you’ve moved to Guernsey, please be aware that many roads are narrow lanes with high hedges and granite walls, so practice will be needed until you feel fully confident.

The maximum speed limit on the island is 35mph (56kph). Guernsey's lanes are a pleasure to explore, and unlike the UK, there are no dual carriageways or motorways.

You may also spot some road signs and markings that are unfamiliar to you. For example, some junctions have a 'filter in turn'. At these junctions, all directions have equal priority, and you must only enter the junction in turn with other vehicles when your exit is clear.

Further information about driving in Guernsey can be found here:

Getting Around

4. Connect with mutual contacts

Moving home is a huge adjustment, and everything is new. You will no longer have the same work colleagues, friendship circle, or perhaps family down the road.

Connecting with mutual friends is a simple step to quickly establish your network on the island. Guernsey residents are very proud of their home, and you will likely find that if you reach out to someone on the island, they are very happy to share their thoughts about island life or connect you with other like-minded people ahead of your move.

Additionally, once you move over to the island, Locate Guernsey regularly holds settling-in events to help recent relocators make authentic connections, learn about their new community and settle into life in Guernsey. Please drop us an email if you’d like to find out more –

5. Meet with Locate Guernsey

Of course, if you're visiting the island on a recce visit, please take the time to meet with one of the Locate Guernsey team. Locate Guernsey is a government agency that provides free information and advice for businesses and individuals to help them make well-informed and appropriate decisions for their circumstances.

Even if you have connected with the team before or have reviewed information on our website, your visit to the island will no doubt have left you with further questions about how island life can work for you.

We aim to provide a service that can streamline the transition of your family or business to the island, pointing you in the right direction regarding key issues such as Population Management, immigration, tax, and company registry so that moving is easy and stress-free.

If you’re visiting the island and would like to meet in person, we’d be happy to answer your questions! 

Contact Us

If you are considering relocating to the island, the team at Locate Guernsey are on hand to provide confidential guidance throughout your relocation journey free of charge. If you would like to understand how Guernsey could work for you, please get in touch!